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Designed as a helper function for check_that(), this function allows you to check that a certain percentage or count of TRUE values are observed in a logical vector. It is therefore a more flexible version of all() or any().


some_of(logical_vec, ...)



A logical vector to be checked.


A set of one or more frequency specifiers (e.g., at_least = 5, at_most = .70).


A logical value indicating all conditions specified in ...

resolve to TRUE in the given logical_vec.


This function is designed as a helper function for check_that(). It allows you to validate that a certain percentage or count of TRUE values are observed in a logical vector. It is therefore a more flexible version of all() or any().

The named arguments in ... should correspond to quantifiers (e.g., at_least, at_most) followed by a numeric value representing the criteria for that quantifier (either an integer count or proportion between zero and one). For example, at_least = 2 checks if at least 2 TRUE values are present in logical_vec.

Note, specifying exactly 1 in an argument is ambiguous (e.g., at_least = 1). Because it could represent a count (n = 1) or a proportion (100%), this value is not allowed in some_of() and will throw an error. If you need to specify exactly 1 (either as a count or a proportion), please use a more specific quantifier function, such as at_least(logical_vec, p = 1) or at_least(logical_vec, n = 1).

See also

Other special quantifiers: for_case(), whenever()


logical_vec <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

# Check if at least 2 TRUE values are present
some_of(logical_vec, at_least = 2) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# Check if at most 2 TRUE values are present
some_of(logical_vec, at_most = 2) # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# Check if exactly 3 TRUE values are present
some_of(logical_vec, exactly_equal = 3) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# Check if exactly 4 TRUE values are present
some_of(logical_vec, exactly_equal = 3) # FALSE
#> [1] TRUE

# Invalid usage: No specific quantifiers provided (error will be thrown)
try(some_of(logical_vec)) # Error
#> Error in some_of(logical_vec) : 
#>   ... is empty, no specific quantifiers given (e.g., at_least = .50). This is ambiguous. If you intend to test that there are more than 0 true cases, please use any() instead. If you want to test something more specific than that, please specify that in ... (e.g., some_of(letters %in% c('a', 'b'), at_least = 2).